Is it time to divorce my suitcase after 12 years? I purchased luggage from Marshalls 12 years ago, and it has traveled everywhere: Arizona, California, Jamaica, Mexico, and Spain. It looks great from a distance. However, the luggage is showing wear and tear. I refuse to throw it away. I can pack so much in this suitcase. On a trip to Marshalls or T.J.Maxx, I found a luggage cover on clearance and put it in my cart.

I Did Not Divorce My Suitcase

I pulled my suitcase from the garage. The luggage cover was cute, and the fit was perfect. I could not wait to take a trip to show off my new suitcase on my nonstop roundtrip flight to Phoenix. I stopped counting the compliments. Most people did not realize it was a luggage cover. For my trip to Cabo, I dressed up my luggage again. I was traveling with Lynn and Kim. On the way home, we had a connecting flight in Houston. When we arrived at Midway, there was a delay in baggage claim. After waiting about 45 minutes with no explanation, I tweeted. Southwest responded. Finally, the carousel started moving. My heart sank as I watched my suitcase come around the carousel without my beloved luggage cover. I tweeted again. Southwest responded.

Missing Cover

I found a customer service representative and told him the issue. At first, he seemed confused. I showed him a picture of my suitcase before I landed at Midway. Now I know what you are thinking. The cover probably came off. Well, it did not! Someone had to undo the Velcro tabs, unzip the cover and pull it off the suitcase. The Southwest representative printed out a $50 voucher and apologized for the inconvenience. I thanked him for helping me. I would redeem this voucher when I booked my next trip to Phoenix. Over the next few months, I searched for a new luggage cover in Marshalls and T.J.Maxx. No luck. Finally, I turned to Amazon, and I hit the lottery. I purchased two luggage covers. There are several options to choose from, and the price range accommodates any budget.

Replacement Covers

I will talk about “Don’t Touch My Suitcase.”  When I walk through the airport, I hear people behind me laughing. If I check my suitcase, I remove the luggage cover and stuff it into my carry-on. Now, let me talk about the Benjamins. Yes, I should have returned the luggage cover. On my way to Boston, I switched my carry-on, and I was disappointed when I put the new luggage cover over my suitcase. I followed the instructions and read the reviews. Almost all of the customer reviews suggested ordering a size up. I did. This luggage cover is ill-fitting, but I made it work. The bottom has several holes from me dragging it through airports, but it looks good from afar. It was a perfect match for my carry-on.

Divorce your suitcase

Will You Divorce Your Suitcase After 12 Years?

My son said I needed to write a post about how to pack. I can offer tips and tricks, but it would not be anything new that you have not seen on other blogs. For me, packing is a personal commitment. I pack according to the destination and activities I have planned. Therefore, I pack differently for every trip. Do you have luggage you want to divorce? First, try a luggage cover to hide the imperfections. Click on this link to make a purchase.

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